Forrest Phillips

UX Designer & Front End Developer.

A mythical creature, of sorts.

He is motivated by dissatisfaction, curiosity and an eagerness to learn.

He graduated from the University of Guelph with an honours degree in Fine Arts - Studio. He has worked with many notable brands, including TSN, CFL, Hamilton Tigers-Cats, CHL, Kubota, Golf Canada, Samsung and more.

Forrest draws comics for fun and is a proud dog owner. He hates confusing design and wearing pants. Based out of Ancaster, Ontario.

LinkedIn Profile



  • Comfortable with Mac & PC
  • Loves deadlines and always meets them
  • Resourceful and self motivated


  • Able to illustrate
  • Photography & image editing
  • Produce wireframes and mockups using Sketch3
  • Vector logo and asset creation with Adobe Illustrator
  • Can create animated gifs of mockups / sites for demos using Adobe Photoshop


  • Proficient with HTML5, SASS & CSS
  • Use CSS Animation to create meaningful interactions
  • Able to render 3D transforms using CSS
  • Understands BEM (Block Element Modifier) naming conventions
  • Able to use a terminal
  • Able to work with React.js, Coffeescript, PHP
Invision App
Sketch 3

Samples of My Work

Canadian Hockey League Site Redesigns


Fall 2015

This behemoth of a project involved over 60 teams. I was part of the development cycle, from wireframes, to design, to prototypes, to the fully functional final product. I wrote a case study highlighting a few parts of my experience with the project.

Read Case Study

Hamilton Tiger-cats All Access Web App


Summer 2015

In the summer I had the good fortune of working with a team on another Ticats related project. The Ticats All Access  web app is designed to improve the fan interaction on game days. I created wireframes, designs, prototypes and used SASS to design the final product. This is a fully responsive mobile first project, since the primary use case would be (but not limited to) handheld devices at the stadium on game day.

Kubota Wheelstand Tradeshow App


Winter 2015

Once provided with the design and specific screen size / device requirements, I helped build a trade show app for Kubota. The app would display all the information about the selected vehicle model to the customer. Working with other developers in React, it was my responsibility to make sure our product matched the client's original design. I generated assets, integrated fonts and wrote all of the SASS.

Golf Canada Website Redesign


Spring 2015  was another fully responsive project with a mobile first approach. We wanted to make sure that golf fans everywhere could access the site from any device.

My Comics


2003 - Present

It all started in university when I answered a random posting on the door to my art history class that said: "Cartoonist Wanted." Since then, I've illustrated hundreds of pages, and made great friends in the process. That one reply forever altered the course of my life. I worked with a couple of guys on the Reality In Repair (2003-2007) series. After we finished with RIR, I created Trench Spike  (started 2008) which I still update occasionally. Finally, one of writers and I teamed back up to create Pickle Zombie (2008 - present) which is a silly semi-autobiographical series about the funnier moments (we hope) in our lives.


Latest Posts

January 25, 2016
by Forrest Phillips